

CINP2020 シンポジウムの提案が開始されました

会員 各位



The International College of Neuropsychopharmacology

2020 CINP World Congress
Call for Symposia

Symposia of 60 min duration integrate the latest advances in basic, clinical and translational neuropsychopharmacology, biological psychiatry, drug development public policy issues relevant to mental health, mental illness and treatment across the lifespan. 2020 CINP World Congress Symposia are chosen on a highly competitive basis by the International Scientific Programme Committee in Spring 2019.

Four speakers including the Chairperson should represent at least three different countries and four different institutions. It is recommended that at least two speakers should be CINP members. Symposium proposals that include women or younger investigators are greatly encouraged.

The individual who submits the symposia proposal via submission process must be the Chairperson of their proposed session.

Chairpersons can submit no more than two symposia and speakers can agree to participate in no more than two proposals. All proposals will be reviewed by the International Scientific Programme Committee and notifications will be sent to all symposia submitters by June 2019.

Important Deadlines

Abstract Submission Opens : December 3, 2018
Abstract Submission Deadline : January 30, 2019 (23:59 PST)
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection : April 8, 2019

You are interested in submitting a symposia proposal?

For detailed information regarding the process and more,

Kind regards,

CINP2020 Congress Department